Broadcasters Asked Don't be a Frequency Boss

Kamis, 02 November 2017 - 19:57 WIB
Broadcasters Asked Dont...
Broadcasters Asked Don't be a Frequency Boss
JAKARTA - The ratification of the Broadcasting Bill which is still under consideration in the House of Representatives remains a major anxiety. The development of Indonesian broadcasting has been left behind with other countries.

For know, in Southeast Asia only Indonesia and Myanmar who have yet turned to digitalization broadcasting. Not to mention the digital TV players who can not wait to use digital content that has been bored with the test without any realization of broadcasting.

"The goal of making Indonesia as strong country in the digital economy will not be realized," said Expert Staff of Ministry of Communication and Information, Diani Citra on the sidelines of the discussion 'Indonesia Digital Television, Late or Slowed' in Jakarta on Thursday (2/11).

Agreed with Citra, Eris Munandar, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Digital Television Broadcasting (ATSDI) even see still hanging the completion of this Broadcasting Bill deliberately slowed.

"If we say we are slowing down, I think it is true. That we are worried if the House of Representatives continues to postpone the Broadcasting Bill bill until next year, in 2019 House members are busy preparing for Legislative and Presidential Election. They will be busy in their Electoral District (Dapil) respectively," said Eris.

Asked whether there was any involvement of the entrepreneurs in the draft of the Broadcasting Act's ratification, both confirmed.

"Yes, there is an interesting interest of entrepreneurs here," said Citra.

Even Eris admitted was confused with the emergence of the term 'Hybrid' when the Parliament will take a decision whether to use single or multi mux operator as a provider of digital multiplexing infrastructure.

"I do not know where the term came from, but at that time the option was just two, single or multi mux operator," said Eris.
Broadcasters Asked Don't be a Frequency Boss

Member of House Commission I, Charles Honoris also did not dismiss the existence of certain interests that play in the stipulation of this Broadcasting Bill.

"There are some factions that do seem to be deliberately stalling, but I am optimistic that this will be completed by the end of this year and now the discussion has reached the Legislative Body (Baleg) already leads to the single mux, one more step to the plenary," explained Charles.

He also warned if operators and broadcasters are focused on content preparation.

"Do not be a frequency boss," said Charles.
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