Almost Two Years, Din Minimi's Amnesty Still Unclear

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017 - 07:02 WIB
Almost Two Years, Din...
Almost Two Years, Din Minimi's Amnesty Still Unclear
JAKARTA - The fate of Nurdin bin Ismail aka Din Minimi, one of the leaders of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) who surrendered some time ago to date is still listed in the Search List People (DPO) of Aceh Police. Though the government has promised an amnesty for Din Minimi when surrendering.

As is known, in one of the points of agreement which offered to Din Minimi cs, Head of State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Sutiyoso at that time offered amnesty option.

"They will give us an amnesty, like any other group," Sutiyoso said at that time.

Unfortunately, until now, the amnesty is not given.

"We are bailing out the promises of the government. There is no amnesty yet to Din Minimi," said former GAM combatant, Teuku Syekhy on the sidelines of 'Socialization of Radical and Terorrism Prevention in Indonesia' organized by GIBAS mass organizations in Jakarta, recently.
Almost Two Years, Din Minimi's Amnesty Still Unclear

He affirmed that the group of Din Minimi then surrendered during Sutiyoso's time as Head of BIN and Sutiyoso acting on behalf of BIN, not personally.

"Do not cause any further distrust of the government. The promise of amnesty is almost two years now," said this man who familiar called Teuku Zaky.

As a former combatant himself, Zaky sees the problem of radicalism that is said to threaten the existence of the current state to be seen from the vast spectacles.

"This is what I have planted to the young generation today. For me do not continue to see Islam as the cause of radicalism in Indonesia. I see the issue of the Islamic state that the government has launched is not real," he said.
Almost Two Years, Din Minimi's Amnesty Still Unclear

In the same place, Chairman of GIBAS DKI Jakarta, R Aria Riefaldhy said if GIBAS participate actively participate prevent the understanding of radicalism and terrorism, especially in Jakarta.

"We have a strong partnership with the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT), and GIBAS also formed the Anti Terrorist and Radical Movement (GATRA). This is where we will also provide understanding and prevention against radicalism and terrorism, our society asks to pro-active. We learned that majority terrorism flourished outside Jakarta but made Jakarta become main target," Aria said.
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