'Seratus Kain Nusantara' Become Warming for Oscar Before 'Batik for The World'

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017 - 04:19 WIB
Seratus Kain Nusantara...
'Seratus Kain Nusantara' Become Warming for Oscar Before 'Batik for The World'
JAKARTA - UNESCO's decision to include batik as a Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity makes batik increasingly known to the world community and spread its own pride for the nation's cultural heritage.

To give more pride and continue to introduce the results of this Indonesian culture, designer Oscar Lawalata with Bank Mandiri initiated the agenda titled 'Batik for The World'. At the peak of the event, the work of the best batik craftsmen Oscar Lawalata built this will be displayed at the exhibition at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, June 2018.

"We've been developing (batik) from last month for 'Batik for The World' and will start curating batik craftsmen, so that the world's people know that exclusive batik is made from traditional craftsmen," Oscar said in Jakarta, recently.

As an opening to the big agenda of 'Batik for The World' next year, Oscar with Bank Mandiri held the exhibition of 'Seratus Kain Nusantara' from 25 to 27 October 2017 at Museum Bank Mandiri, Jakarta.

Batik which displayed in this exhibition, more towards the traditional batik with old motifs and authentic colors because it is made from natural dyes.

In Oscar's view, the reason why the international world appreciates batik is because of the very unique making process and the use of natural dyes in each of his works.

"Batik is a process, that's why we should appreciate it. We still use the natural coloring because the world is concerned with environmentally friendly products. That is the superiority of batik," he said.

Batik which displayed in this event, more from East Java such as Trenggalek, Surabaya, Madium, Wonogiri, Kediri, until Madura.

"This exhibition is not only showing the work but we also want to show how we care about batik artisans, we start from East Java doing mapping, in Ponorogo, Trenggalek, Kediri, Surabaya, Madura We have seen and curate," said Oscar.

To prepare for the exhibition, Oscar has been working with batik craftsmen in some of these areas.
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