'Indonesia Raya' in Three Stanza Ready for Sung

'Indonesia Raya' in Three Stanza Ready for Sung
JAKARTA - The national anthem of 'Indonesia Raya' in full version has been re-recorded and will be introduced on 28 October 2017.
To note, this Indonesian national anthem has been sung just one stanza only. While the creator, Wage Rudolf Supratman, wrote lin three stanza.
Then, how the response of musicians related to the socialization of the 'Indonesia Raya' song in this three stanza?
"I see in terms of efficiency, I think better (sung) just one stanza, more simple and more straight to the heart," said singer Sandhy Sandoro on the sidelines of Socialization of 'Indonesia Raya' Three Stanza in Jakarta, recently.
Sandhy argues that the song 'Indonesia Raya' in one stanza is binding. He expressed this in his view of most people who adhere to the philosophy of living 'keep it simple'.
"Maybe from practice, but we need to see in terms of efficiency," said Sandhy.
However, he still supports the step of introducing the song 'Indonesia Raya' in the full version to the public, especially to the younger generation.
"But it is also important to socialize three stanzas in schools from elementary or kindergarten, all of Indonesia must know that our nation has three stanzas," he said.
Re-recording of 'Indonesia Raya' version of three stanza performed by orkesta and Gita Bahana Nusantara choir led by conductor Sapta Kusbini. Meanwhile, musician Purwacaraka sits as a sound engineer.
The recording at Lokananta consists of five types, the version of the harmony orchestra, the symphony orchestra, the fanfare orchestra, the piano accompaniment, and the unisono. Each version is recorded one stanza and three stanza.
Recording process was done at Lokananta studio, Solo, Central Java. This studio is keeping a record of 'Indonesia Raya' version in three stanza recorded by Josef Kleber.
Director of Music, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Restu Gunawan explains, the song 'Indonesia Raya' three stanza contains national values that strengthen the sense of nationalism and love of the homeland within Indonesian society.
"Stanza one contained an invitation to love the state, the second stanza of Indonesian geographical understanding consisting of islands, sea, etc., and the third stanza how we treat together and live happily together," Restu said.
Related to its implementation in the field, Restu stated that it will depend on the government's decision as stated in the standard rules such as Ministerial Regulation or Presidential Instruction.
"But until now only limited to socialization in schools.To get the standard rules it takes consensus together," he said.
To note, this Indonesian national anthem has been sung just one stanza only. While the creator, Wage Rudolf Supratman, wrote lin three stanza.
Then, how the response of musicians related to the socialization of the 'Indonesia Raya' song in this three stanza?
"I see in terms of efficiency, I think better (sung) just one stanza, more simple and more straight to the heart," said singer Sandhy Sandoro on the sidelines of Socialization of 'Indonesia Raya' Three Stanza in Jakarta, recently.
Sandhy argues that the song 'Indonesia Raya' in one stanza is binding. He expressed this in his view of most people who adhere to the philosophy of living 'keep it simple'.
"Maybe from practice, but we need to see in terms of efficiency," said Sandhy.
However, he still supports the step of introducing the song 'Indonesia Raya' in the full version to the public, especially to the younger generation.
"But it is also important to socialize three stanzas in schools from elementary or kindergarten, all of Indonesia must know that our nation has three stanzas," he said.
Re-recording of 'Indonesia Raya' version of three stanza performed by orkesta and Gita Bahana Nusantara choir led by conductor Sapta Kusbini. Meanwhile, musician Purwacaraka sits as a sound engineer.
The recording at Lokananta consists of five types, the version of the harmony orchestra, the symphony orchestra, the fanfare orchestra, the piano accompaniment, and the unisono. Each version is recorded one stanza and three stanza.
Recording process was done at Lokananta studio, Solo, Central Java. This studio is keeping a record of 'Indonesia Raya' version in three stanza recorded by Josef Kleber.
Director of Music, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Restu Gunawan explains, the song 'Indonesia Raya' three stanza contains national values that strengthen the sense of nationalism and love of the homeland within Indonesian society.
"Stanza one contained an invitation to love the state, the second stanza of Indonesian geographical understanding consisting of islands, sea, etc., and the third stanza how we treat together and live happily together," Restu said.
Related to its implementation in the field, Restu stated that it will depend on the government's decision as stated in the standard rules such as Ministerial Regulation or Presidential Instruction.
"But until now only limited to socialization in schools.To get the standard rules it takes consensus together," he said.