Two Students of SMP Cendekia Baznas Gained Gold Medals at Pencak Silat

Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017 - 17:10 WIB
Two Students of SMP...
Two Students of SMP Cendekia Baznas Gained Gold Medals at Pencak Silat
JAKARTA - Last week, the Cendekia junior high school (SMP) team of National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) departs for Yogyakarta to attend Yogyakarta Championship II 2017, National Pencak Silat event held by Indonesian Pencak Silat Association and Ministry Youth and Sport (Kemenpora) on October 14-15, 2017 at UMY Sportorium Building, Yogyakarta.

The students of SMP Cendekia Baznas who become Pencak Silat athletes are M Ferdiansyah (Bogor), Baharudin Bao (Alor NTT), Baharudin Laka (Alor), Syaifullah M.Boli (Alor), Ujang Ari (Sukabumi) and Ridwan (Sukabumi).

In addition to six students, one of the boarders of the hostel, Heri Kiswanto also followed the race for the category Fight class C Adult 55-60 kg. Hostel coach, Aiman Al Haq becomes team manager.

And the result is quite satisfactory. Ferdiansyah and Syaifullah M Boli won the gold medal in this event.

Head of SMP Cendekia Baznas, Sri Nurhidayah argued, the event in Yogyakarta is an important momentum for schools to help students find the recognition of their interests and talents. While for educators will be a challenge to continue to develop themselves.

"Not just practice, students and coaches also work together with various networks to stay in touch to optimize their potential," Sri said in Jakarta on Tuesday (17/10).

SMP Cendekia Baznas located in Bogor, West Java choose Pencak Silat as one of sport because it is thick with heritage of nation's cultural personality which contains many good learning elements to print the genaration of successor of healthy and physical society.
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