Prevent Food Insecurity, Rice ATM Service Become One of Solution

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017 - 03:17 WIB
Prevent Food Insecurity,...
Prevent Food Insecurity, Rice ATM Service Become One of Solution
JAKARTA - Commemorating the 72nd World Food Day (HPS), National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in cooperation with Lotte Mart held a donation of rice donations from customers. Uniquely, the donation is distributed to the mustahik through using Rice Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).

In the event, BAZNAS and Lotte Mart symbolically handed Rice ATM cards to five representatives of beneficiaries. However, the total amount of aid to be given is about 150 people.

"Of course the main purpose of this is how people all can live better. Now the World Food Day, andour program this time related to rice," said Director of Distribution and Utilization, Renbang and National Zakat Training (Baznas), M Nasir Tajang in Jakarta on Monday (16/10).

According to him, the ATM made by Bandung Institute of Technology students (ITB) is able to accommodate 240 liters of rice. With this machine, the poor will find it easier to get rice assistance from ATM Rice location points. Rice ATM cards given to the mustahik have already taken the schedule, ie every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Therefore, ATM will not process the retrieval if it does not match the specified schedule.

"We allocate one person a week just once, in one take each of five liters," he said.

In the same place, Marketing Director of PT Lotte Mart Indonesia, Evi Lionawan added, Lotte Mart cooperate with Baznas to raise donations of customers since September 8, 2017 and at 17 points Lotte Mart in Indonesia.

"Hopefully this program in the future can continue to run and better, so it can be more petrified, and this is not only Lottemart but also inspiring other companies," she said.
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