This Forms of Private Support for SMEs to Increase The Class

Kamis, 07 September 2017 - 01:41 WIB
This Forms of Private...
This Forms of Private Support for SMEs to Increase The Class
BOGOR - Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) industry is often considered the backbone of the nation economy. However, to really lift the Indonesian SMEs to up grade, one of which came from PT Astra Mitra Ventura aka Astra Ventura.

One focus of Astra Group's subsidiaries is for SMEs to manufacture automotive components in Indonesia to grade by continuing to support innovation and synergy. This is expected to give business partners an opportunity to demonstrate the quality of production and creativity of their product development and create market opportunities for their business with the Astra Group value chain.

President Director of PT Astra International Tbk, Prijono Sugiarto while visiting PT Laksana Tekhnik Makmur and PT Rekadaya Kreasi Indonesia in Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, emphasized the importance of innovation and synergy. PT Laksana itself is an automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM) manufacturer of metal and plastic parts and PT Rekadaya is manufacturing automotive parts non-woven felt.

PT Laksana Tekhnik Makmur has expanded its business by diversifying its products to the maritime sector and health equipment.

"The ship's interior products produced by PT Laksana Tekhnik Makmur have even been used as the standard reference for national ship companies, namely PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Indonesia Ferry (ASDP)," Prijono said on Tuesday (5/9).

PT Laksana Tekhnik Makmur has since become Astra Ventura's business partner and has become the target of YDBA has been upgrading from small to medium-sized SMEs. Similar to PT Laksana, after receiving development and training, PT Rekadaya Kreasi Indonesia has also successfully become the initiator and inventor of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for textile based silencer components.

PT Rekadaya succeeded in producing textile base material with more competitive product composition without reducing the quality of silencer. PT Rekadaya itself has successfully climbed the class with a very rapid growth, which is from small SMEs and now a large category company.

Referring to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data, the processing industry itself grew 4.21 percent in the first quarter of 2017 compared to the same period last year. This is in line with the national economic growth of 5.01 percent in the first quarter of 2017.

As for data from the Ministry of Industry, the number of small and medium industries (IKM) in the field of manufacturing reached 3.85 million units with a contribution of about 60 percent of total national manufacturing performance in 2017.

"Being a next level is the goal of every SMEs by continuing to make innovations and synergies. Enhance is important to improve the competitiveness of SMEs, we aim for SMEs to have a sustainable growth so that they can move from small to middle class, or even from medium to big," said Astra Ventura President Director, Jefri Sirait.

Through development programs and trainings that enhance competence can improve their growth. But not enough just with innovation, they need to synergize with all the wheels of the industry such as government and related agencies.
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