This Hospital Ready to Refer Patients with Free

Rabu, 21 Juni 2017 - 14:54 WIB
This Hospital Ready...
This Hospital Ready to Refer Patients with Free
JAKARTA - Distribution of zakat, infak and alms as a program of empowerment of the recipient of zakat (mustahik) is not merely in the form of giving money or goods aid only, but it can also in health services.

One of them is through Baznas Healthy House Program (RSB), a program like special hospitals for underprivileged communities that have been built in five cities, each Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Sidoarjo, Makassar and Pangkalpinang. Until now, RSB has served 20,000 patients in one month.

Director of Distribution, Utilization, Pl
an and Training National Agency of Amil Zakat (Baznas), M Nasir Tajang explains, every month RSB serve mustahik with diseases complaints

"In addition, RSB also help refer patients with diseases that require further treatment to the main hospital with cost from Baznas," Nasir said in Jakarta, Wednesday (21/6).

According to him, all operational funds for RSB services in five major cities namely Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Sidoarjo, Makassar and Pangkalpinang obtained from zakat, infak and alms
funds which collected by Baznas.

In Jakarta, he continued, RSB was held at Sunda Kelapa Mosque Complex, Menteng, Jakarta. This RSB was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in September 2007.

"RSB has a community empowerment program by establishing targeted area in a number of pockets of the poor and routinely implementing cataract surgery in cooperation with the Indonesian Eye Doctors Association (Perdami)," he explained.

Meanwhile, Director of RSB Indonesia, Meizi Fachrial, said that all RSB have various health services such as General Poly, Emergency Unit, Dental and Oral Poly, Nutrition
Poly, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Poly, Specialist Services, Psychology Consultation, Pharmacy Unit, Laboratory, Radiology, Ambulance Service and Cataracts.

In addition to relying on building services, he continued, RSB also has service activities outside the building to bring services to the poor people such as mobile health unit (UKK), Health Center (Gizi Center), Hypertension, Diabetes and Elderly center, health terrace, mass circumcision
and social service.

"The requirement to become a member of RSB is to fill in the available forms by attaching a copy of Family Card (KK), Identity Card (KTP) and Certificate of Not Able (SKTM) from the local village," Meizi said.
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