Veronica Oration Potentially Create Deviant and Wildness

Kamis, 08 Juni 2017 - 07:19 WIB
Veronica Oration Potentially...
Veronica Oration Potentially Create Deviant and Wildness
JAKARTA - Alleged case of defamation against head of state allegedly committed by Veronica Koman Liau when oration after the determination of verdict of non-active Jakarta Governor, Basuki T Purnama (Ahok) in front of Cipinang Detention Center which reported by Kan Hiung to police began enter a new stage.

Tuesday (6/6), Kan Hiung questioned by Sub Directorate of State Security (Kamneg) General
Directorate Criminal Investigation (Direskrimum) Jakarta Police for almost four hours.

said, himself questioned in the form of Interview Events (BAI) by Jakarta Police investigators.

"There are some additional details that I have made in this BAI. First, I added a description of what Veronica said during the oration that read: 'There is no blasphemy term'. This sentence I see is an effort to spread lies, whereas Veronica is a lawyer who understands the law," said Kan in Jakarta, Wednesday (7/6).

The lie that Kan referred to is with that statement, common people can appreciate if there is no defamation of religion by Ahok.

"As a result, people's views can be deviate and wild, both inside and outside country," Kan explained.

The second statement, he added was Veronica's remarks regarding a malicious trial.

"He said in the oration that: 'there is a very naughty judgment with a malign judge'. This is mean insult to a ruler or a judge as a legal entity," he explained.

In this BAI agenda, Kan
also revoked reporting using article 137 Criminal Code, because it was not in accordance with legal construction. What is used in this reporting is article 207 of the Criminal Code which reads: 'whoever intentionally publicly orally in writing or with insulting writings of a ruler or public body in Indonesia shall be punished with imprisonment of a maximum of one year and six months or a maximum fine of four five thousand rupiah.'

"After re-examination with the investigator, legal construction of article 137 of the Criminal Code is no longer suitable because it has been revoked by the Constitutional Court (MK) .The article that is entitled to use it is the President himself or he by authorization to authorize to report the alleged insult," he explained.

As is known, Kan reported Veronica Koman Liau via report numbered LP/2319/V/2017/PMJ/Dit.Reskrimum dated May 13, 2017.
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