Police Warning Rizieq Shihab for Back to Indonesia

Minggu, 14 Mei 2017 - 04:45 WIB
Police Warning Rizieq...
Police Warning Rizieq Shihab for Back to Indonesia
JAKARTA - Jakarta Police investigators warning the High Priest of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab immediately return to Indonesia to undergo examination as a witness related his case with Firza Husein.

"I say and hope that Rizieq will return to our country soon, if we become a good citizen, please come back for questioning. I am convinced that innocence will be faced and delivered all," said Head of Police Public Relations of Metro Jaya, Commisioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono at Jakarta Police Headquarters on Saturday (13/5).

Argo explained that the second summons for Habib Rizieq to be a witness in this case had been sent to his house in Petamburan, Central Jakarta on May 8, 2017. However, because Rizieq is not in his residence, the letter should be deposited to the local chairman.

Therefore, the police denied the statement of lawyer Rizieq who called not receiving the summons.

However, on May 10, 2017, Habib Rizieq did not meet the call of police investigator. Even so, Argo still does not know when will the last deadline calling from Rizieq Shihab.

"Later the technical from investigators like what to take steps," said Argo.

warning from Jakarta Police, Habib Rizieq Shihab lawyer, Kapitra Ampera said he could not contact Habib Rizieq until now so can not report directly.

"Until now I have not been able to reach him, I heard that he is still in Kuala Lumpur, taking care of his doctoral session, I think today he came home but apparently still can not communicate," said Kapitra, Saturday (13/5).

Related to whether or not prepared when Rizieq forced to be picked up, Kapitra said, ready to follow the rules run by the investigators Jakarta Police in accordance with the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

"The law will regulate it, while the investigators do according to the law, yes please, all must go after the law," said Kapitra.

In Article 112 Paragraph (2) of KUHAP is known to read that every person who is called shall come to the investigator and if he does not come the investigator shall call once again, with orders to the officer to bring to him.

On the basis of this law, investigators tolerate the summoning of witnesses twice in a row. If the witness is not present without any valid reason, proper and reasonable, then the investigator commits a forced call or is sometimes called forced pickup.

"Return it to the Criminal Procedure Code because there is a rule of criminal proceeding there. Restore to the law," said Kapitra.
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