Former Commissioner of KPK Values President Jokowi Don't Appreciate KPK Employees

Kamis, 04 Mei 2017 - 23:20 WIB
Former Commissioner...
Former Commissioner of KPK Values President Jokowi Don't Appreciate KPK Employees
JAKARTA - Almost a month the acid attack on investigators Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Novel Baswedan. However, until now the perpetrator has not been revealed. This has drawn strong criticism from former KPK Commissioner, Busyro Muqoddas.

He considered the government not responding sufficiently to prevent and protect KPK employees from threats.

"Not only did not respond, President did not appreciate KPK employees," said Busyro in Jakarta, Thursday (4/5).

According to him, KPK employees are different from commissioners who have certain positions in the institution. KPK employees which p
ermanent particularly vulnerable to intimidation or threats during their work in investigating corruption cases in Indonesia.

"If the chairman is 4 years, KPK officer
permanent . In an official staff vessel has conveyed his aspirations, the aspirations should be responded, appreciated by the President and KPK leaders," said Busyro.

He also worried the lack of attention will have an impact on similar cases in the future. Moreover, the last case that befell Novel according to him, is not the first case received by investigators and employees of the KPK.

"What I said earlier, there are investigators whose laptop is taken forcibly in a taxi. That's terror, not just Novels and it's important documents," he concluded.
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