Fintech Able to Avoid Illegal Bank

Kamis, 30 Maret 2017 - 18:08 WIB
Fintech Able to Avoid...
Fintech Able to Avoid Illegal Bank
JAKARTA - The presence of financial technology (fintech) bring threats and opportunities for the banking industry. In terms of opportunities, fintech presence would cause banks to digitization and automation. This move will cut about 30 percent of banking fees.

Meanwhile, in terms of revenue will increase because of the presence of inovatis products new and innovative business models. On the other hand, fintech also a threat to the banking, where the impact of the banking digitization will cut margins of about 16 percent. Then, the threat of competitors innovative products and increasing operational risk.

"Although fintech start peek, banking business is still fairly fat," said researcher Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) Bhima Yudhistira in IndoFintech 2017 Seminar titled 'Seizing Opportunities of Financial Technology Market
Strategy in Indonesia' which organized by Koran SINDO and with Royal Media and PWI in Jakarta, Thursday (30/3).

Net interest margin (NIM) of banks, for example in January 2017 and was 5.39 percent, down from 5.63 percent in January 2016. While operating costs compared to operating income (ROA) has been at the rate of 83.9 percent.

"Riding compared to December 2016 were still 82.2 percent. Opportunities fmtech itself in Indonesia is quite large," he said.

Bhima said, only 13.1 percent of people who borrowed money (funding) from financial services. Majority borrow from friends or family of 41.5 percent and less than 2.9 percent moneylenders.

Based on data from the FSA, the majority fintech fight in the payment sector, which is as much as 44 percent. Furthermore aggregator and lending, respectively 15 percent. Fintech has some advantages of lowering costs (efficiency), differentiation and increase loyalty.

"The infrastructure that supports fintech in Indonesia has been formed. For example, users of communication services reached 281.9 million, above the 255 million total population. The percentage of users of communications services to a population of 110.5 percent," he said.

On the other hand, presence of fintech considered to avoid dark shadow banking bank alias. Thus, it is necessary regulations to protect customers and the business.

Bhima proposed rule changes, namely POJK No.77/2016 Article 4 The minimum capital of Rp 1 billion and 2.5 billion when you signed when applying for a license.

"The deadline of one year from the capital increase is registered in the FSA (Article 10) Article 6 limits on lending 2 billion," he said.
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