This Reason for Borobudur and Prambanan Visitors Come Two to Three Times in 2017

Kamis, 02 Februari 2017 - 06:48 WIB
This Reason for Borobudur...
This Reason for Borobudur and Prambanan Visitors Come Two to Three Times in 2017
JAKARTA - Increased tourism sector being conducted by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko (TWC). This State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) has been mandated to manage the heritage area by the UNESCO World Culture Heritage.

As the manager of world heritage, TWC has an obligation to preserve the high nation's cultural heritage especially Borobudur and Prambanan. Various attempts were made so that this heritage continues to attract tourists at home and abroad. One of them by holding events tourism.

CEO of TWC, Edy
Setijono said that the event has become an annual calendar needs to continue to be held. Because of this powerful way to invite tourists to come in addition to the regular time or holidays.

"This event is important to bring in a certain amount of tourist in the season. So that's no reason for visitors to come as much as two to three times," said Edy when TWC Event Organizer Gathering 2017 in Jakarta, recently.

TWC has set up dozens of major events in Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko this year. The event was held consisting of various activation. Starting from the cultural arts activities, music, exhibitions, fashion, culinary, sports, and more.

"Event as a combination of this activity is our effort in order to let the market be maintained," said Edy.
This Reason for Borobudur and Prambanan Visitors Come Two to Three Times in 2017

Some of the events that have been held TWC namely Borobudur Yoga Day, 10 K Borobudur, Prambanan Heritage Jazz Festival, the International Buddhist Conference, and others. As for 2017 would be filled with Yogya Meditation Day, Creative Dance Competition, Interfaith Conference & Pilgrimage Tour, Borobudur Photo Contest, Prambanan Music Art & Culture, Legoland Festival, Sounds of Borobudur, Borobudur Masterpiece Hair Style & Fashion, Borobudur Culture Fiest, Borobudur nite and many more.

In order to realize that, TWC held Event Organizer Gathering 2017 -The Amazing Indonesia Historical Temple by inviting leading event organizer.

This TWC events calendar in 2017:

1. Tawur Agung Prambanan, March 27
2. Ratu Boko Yoga & Meditation Day, April 9
3. Cipta Creative Dance Competition Borobudur, April 11 to 12
4. Independent Jogja International Marathon, April 17
5. Borobudur International Conference 6-7 May
6. Borobudur Photo Contest, 1-30 of May
7. Vesak at Borobudur, May 11
8. Prambanan Music, Art, and Culture, May 20
9. Prambanan International Yoga Day, June 3
10. Legoland Borobudur Festival, June 15 to 30
11. Sounds of Borobudur Cultural & Music Camp, July 14 to 16
12. Borobudur Masterpiece Hair Style & Fashion, July 22
13. Borobudur International Festival, July 28 to 30
14. Prambanan Culinary Festival, August 12 to 13
15. Prambanan Jazz, August 19 to 20
16. Dance Festival Kraton Nusantara, August 20 to 21
17. Boko Festival, September 22 to 24
18. Borobudur and Prambanan Water Color Heritage Exhibition, September 25
19. Gamelan Festival Nusantara & Langen Stories, October 6
20. Prambanan - Borobudur International Heritage Goo Wess Bike Tour, October 28
21. Prambanan Music Performance, October 28
22. Borobudur Cultural Feast, October 17 to 18
23. Jogja International Heritage Walk, 18 to 19 November
24. Borobudur International 10K, November 26
25. Borobudur Nite, December 31

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