Even ISIS Can Followed Defending of State Program

Jum'at, 13 Januari 2017 - 11:37 WIB
Even ISIS Can Followed...
Even ISIS Can Followed Defending of State Program
JAKARTA - The sacking of the Military District Command (Kodim) Lebak, Lt. Col. Czi Ubaidilah some time ago, caused much to the rule that was violated.

Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu asserted society organizations such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is allowed to follow the practice of defending the st
ate (Bela Negara) that guided the military. Defence Minister denied that the reason for dismissal is due to train FPI.

"He was removed because it was not reported to his superiors that there is such activity, it violates the rules, so it was not because of FPI. I just get out of town if you have to report to the president," said Rymizard in the office at the Ministry of Defence, Jakarta, Thursday (12/1 ).

Earlier, the Regional Military Commander III/Siliwangi Major Gen. Muhammad Herindra asserts that the District Commanders 0603 / Lebak, Lt. Col. Czi Ubaidilah removed after holding civil defense training to members of the FPI in the Koramil Cipanas, Lebak.

"The law says every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the program to defend the state, it is in Act No. 3 of 2002. FPI was an Indonesian citizen, must also participate," added Ryamizard.

In fact, he said, a radical group that has the intention to study the Pancasila was allowed to follow defend the state program.

"If you want, radical group like ISIS also we take. Thus, we are united," said Ryamizard.

According to him, teaching civil defense to the militant group a chance to eliminate an understanding of the violence that is in them, and be filled with the spirit-the spirit of nationalism.

efending the state goal was the understanding of our ideology against Indonesia was the same. Later the ends, if necessary, they are so willing to sacrifice for the country, so we must give the sense that there is a sense of pride, when it proud they'll love this country," he explained.
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