How to Help Film Audience to be Smart?

Rabu, 30 November 2016 - 04:38 WIB
How to Help Film Audience...
How to Help Film Audience to be Smart?
JAKARTA - Intelligent film audience... This question will surely tickle and long to be debated. And then, who was exactly the intelligent audience film?

"The tastes of Indonesian audiences tend to fluctuate this needs to be briefed so that they can get the knowledge that further sharpen insights. Later they themselves will be able to judge," said film producer, Rinayanti Harahap in discussions 'Smart Film Audience' that was held Center for Film Development, Ministry of Education and Culture (Pusbang Film Kemendikbud) and the Community of Love Indonesia Film (KCFI) in Jakarta, recently.

Above, she added, will be correlated with the selection of movies to watch. Or in other words, have the right to film audiences will see deemed qualified films.

Speaking of insight for the audience, psychologist, Tika Bisono stated, one of the functions of a movie reviewer is one of them in order to provide insight to potential viewers.

"Unfortunately in Indonesia still very few people who want to write a review of a movie," said Tika.

She said the Indonesian people who prefer to watch foreign films for reference and resensinya tend more than Indonesian movies. Most viewers also prefer foreign films because it can trigger a high level of curiosity.

"Nevertheless there are some films Indonesia that should be appreciated, like Laskar Pelangi, Nagabonar 2, Habibie and others, the films that high educated as that which should have been selected to be watched, and not a movie that only cool at the time of sale and a poster," added Rinayanti again.
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