Welcome Secondwife.com, The Apps to Polygamists

Rabu, 14 September 2016 - 17:25 WIB
Welcome Secondwife.com,...
Welcome Secondwife.com, The Apps to Polygamists
LONDON - Muslim inventor in the UK has developed a website to help Muslims find second wives and is now peddling a similar app to polygamists.

Azad Chaiwala, who has only one wife has always hoped for a second so he started a website in 2014 named Secondwife.com for himself and others like him to help fulfil their dreams.

It was so popular that he started Polygamy.com for non-Muslims. Now Chaiwala has launched a Google Play app for SecondWife.com to bring those extra ladies right to a player's fingertips, reports Motherboard.
Welcome Secondwife.com, The Apps to Polygamists

Chaiwala claims that 100,000 men are using his sites worldwide which are only for men and not women who may be looking for multiple husbands.

Many users are in countries where polygamy is strictly prohibited, and law breakers can face stiff prison terms, including in the US, the UK and Canada.

The Canadian Council of Muslim Women has officially taken a position against polygamy, deeming it "inherently harmful to women and children, because the family structure is based on the values of tribal patriarchy."

The US has long battled the polygamist cult run by Warren Jeffs, who is now serving a life term for raping his child "brides."

Chaiwala says his sites and app are for "decent" men who want to channel their "lust" into marriage.

"The problem that man has today is there is too much temptation," he told Motherboard.

Chaiwala said 75 percent of his users are men, while 25 percent are women hoping to become an extra wife.

"Some women find polygamy attractive too because they don't want to be full time wives," Chaiwala said, adding:

"They are busy with their careers or their children."
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