Erupted Again, This Causes of Mount Sinabung Victim

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016 - 03:07 WIB
Erupted Again, This...
Erupted Again, This Causes of Mount Sinabung Victim
KARO - Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra erupted on Saturday, at 16:48 pm. Casualties are residents of the Gamber village, Simpang Empat, Karo who is gardening activities on his farm.

Gamber village, explains Head of Data Information and Public Relations of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho within a radius of four kilometers from the summit crater of Mount Sinabung.

This area should have been empty for a red zone that all citizens should not be doing the activity. Most of the village residents of the image have been displaced since a long time and plan to be relocated independently.

Gamber village community has given aid agricultural land lease and rental homes by the government for not doing the activity in the red zone. However, there are some people who still reckless conduct agricultural activities in the garden, despite having been banned by apparatus, said Sutopo.

Sutopo continue, Head of BNPB, Willem Rampangilei ordered BNPB Rapid Response Team to accompany the soon to Karo BPBD in emergency response eruption of Mount Sinabung.

"District Commanders (Dandim) Karo as Commander Emergency Response in order to coordinate the search and rescue of victims. More tightened and patrolling so that the red zone is really no community activities in it," he said.

Activities Sinabung, said Sutopo, is still high. On Saturday, there was a hot cloud of avalanches that occur continuously at 14:28 pm, 15:08 pm, 16:39 pm and 16:48 pm. Clouds of hot avalanches at 4.5 kilometers, reaching Borus Lao River to the west.

High column of volcanic ash, he said, three thousand meters and the mountain is the status alert. Potential eruption remains high and can occur at any time. Communities also evacuated to a safe location. And people who are living near rivers that disgorge at Sinabung to remain alert to the danger of lava.

"The public and visitors/tourists are not allowed to perform activities within a radius of three kilometers from the summit. For the people around the mountain in a variety of distances are also not allowed to close as seven kilometers to the southern sector-southeast, six kilometers to the sector east-southeast and four kilometers to the north-northeast sector," he said.

For note, the three victims who died were in hospital on behalf of Karman Milala Kabanjahe (60), Irwansyah Sembiring (17) and Nanin br Sitepu (54).
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