ISC Without Transtition Team

Rabu, 27 April 2016 - 15:59 WIB
ISC Without Transtition...
ISC Without Transtition Team
JAKARTA - 2016 Indonesia Soccer Championship (ISC) Competition officially running without role of Transition Team. Authority taken over the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora).

"It's true. Kemenpora take over. But for verification remain in the BOPI
(Agency Professional Sport of Indonesia) hands," said Deputy Improvement of Sports Performance Kemenpora, Gatot S Dewa Broto in Kemenpora Office Jakarta, Wednesday (27/4).

The transition team's formation Kemenpora since freezing PSSI have a duty to take over the role of the governing body of football Indonesia. However, for the problem ISC, the institution led by Bibit Samad Riyantowas not involved.

Certainty passing of a competition promoted by PT Gelora Trisula Universe (GTS) occurs after the signatories of a cooperation agreement between the promoters represented by the Director of PT GTS Joko Driyono, BOPI represented Noor Amman and Kemenpora represented Gatot S Dewa Broto.

With the cooperation of this competition that followed 18 best clubs in Indonesia will be rolled out according to a schedule that is April 29. The opening of this competition will be marked between the host Persipura match against Persija Jakarta.

President Joko Widodo also scheduled to open competition with a grand prize Rp3 billion. In fact, local and national executive committee is already making preparations including security mechanisms as well as the position of the fans.

Cooperation agreement that carried the three parties is not only the implementation of the ISC A competition, but also about the ongoing competition with participants ISC B is the club's Premier Division.

"This cooperation agreement specifically for ISC ISC A and B. There is nothing else. In this cooperation is also written clearly in authority between BOPI and promoter in this case PT GTS," said Chairman of Noor BOPI Amman after signing the cooperation.

According to him, special for this ISC said it could not be fully engaged as in previous competitions are merely giving recommendations. BOPI will continue to oversee the prestigious competition at the time of freezing PSSI is still ongoing until the competition was over.

"The authority we are supervising, verifying and more. For technical issues we leave to PT GTS. We will not take over the role of other parties," said Noor Amman asserted.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT GTS Joko Driyono said, now is the chance for a happy man national soccer. This cooperation agreement is expected to be the entrance to a better direction, including the smooth national football industry which is currently not ideal.

"The object of this cooperation only ISC A and B. If no object then this cooperation will be void. We can not work together if no object. This competition will also not affect the lifting of a freeze PSSI," he said when confirmed.
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