Singapore Potential to Tackle Tax Amnesty Bill

Senin, 25 April 2016 - 13:15 WIB
Singapore Potential...
Singapore Potential to Tackle Tax Amnesty Bill
JAKARTA - Attempts by foreign interests to thwart discussion tax amnesty bill has been heightened ahead of the discussion of the bill in the House, the action was carried out through a number of NGOs and politicians who want funds citizen stays in the "save heaven countries" and do not want thousands of trillions of funds the return to the country to finance national development.

Observers in Taxation from the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH) Rony Bako reminded the government and parliament to be careful because there is the possibility of foreigners more incentive to lobby in order to thwart the tax amnesty bill for the sake of their country.

He said neighboring countries are often used as a place to store funds such as Singapore citizens would Indonesian liquidity shortage due to the tax amnesty policy.

"There's just the way they do, either by political lobbying. There must be, the government must be careful with this," said Roni in Jakarta, recently.

Roni confirms the foreign interest through its affiliated companies will be affected due to the large tax amnesty policy. As a result, the debate and the rejection of the policy is quite large digencarkan politicians and NGOs.

According to him, fears of foreigners who want to derail the plan legalization tax amnesty, the Indonesian government should take the principle. One of them by setting the redemption rate of interest that will be charged to participants of tax amnesty.

So far, the rate that would apply to redeem the declaration is 2 percent for the first three months, 4 percent for the second three months, and 6 percent for the next six months. As for ransom rates prevailing on the repatriation of funds is 1 percent for the first three months, 2 percent for the second three months, and 3 percent for the next six months.

He said that the discussion draft tax amnesty key is in the amount of ransom. According to him, the need for differentiation of the difference in rates between the declaration redeem funds placed abroad by the repatriating funds to the country made more signifkan, so many Indonesian citizens who place funds abroad repatriate funds back to the homeland.

"Do not let foreigners to disturb the House. The way it by convincing them that the government provided attractive rates. So the Tax Amnesty should be supported in order to improve the tax base and revenues," he said.

In harmony with this, one of the researchers of Indonesian tax Bawono Kristiadji said, if there are issues such as the Singapore foreigners who want to tackle the sustainability of Tax Amnesty bill, the government must remain consistent and continue forward to apply the tax amnesty policy.

"They must go forward, because in this age of globalization, each country's tax policy can only affect the tax situation in other countries. So there is definitely scared of countries such as Singapore or the other," he said.

Bawono said, data on the outcome there on taxpayers who have not paid their taxes properly retained and the government should look at it with the implementation of tax amnesty.

"Data on the property that has not been reported, it could be netted for tax amnesty. That is very important in building tax compliance in Indonesia. Because the tax amensty later the government has the data and profiles of property or income WP better. This is what more essential than tax amnesty policy," he concluded.
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