Waiting Minister ESDM Promise to Papua People

Senin, 21 Desember 2015 - 15:21 WIB
Waiting Minister ESDM...
Waiting Minister ESDM Promise to Papua People
JAYAPURA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said ensure, communities and the Government of Papua will be involved in the discussion of the work contract extension PT. Freport Indonesia which will expire in 2021.

"We had an agreement will connect the dialogue, I think the people and government of Papua should be part of the solution," he said in Jayapura on Monday (21/12).

Sudirman also emphasized that whatever he had to convey to the public he was doing.

"I have no pretensions like that, I had one year of work and what we say we do, let us look forward," he said.

He explained that the distribution of shares of Freeport for the government and people of Papua have been included in the scheme that ensured some
US sharesminer will fall into the area.

"It was in the scheme that has been set that the divestment stage central government, local government also. If the local government and the central government decided not to take the new private sector will participate," he said.

"So far the government has appointed several SOE incoming and local government also decided to go in," said Sudirman.

He also said that the central government had also incorporate the aspirations of the people of Papua. It has been formulated and submitted to Freeport as a condition that must be met when their work contract renewed.

"During our dialogue, which I call the 11 points was the result of the aspirations of the Papuan people through local government, and I continue to communicate with the governor and regent pack. So the spirit is looking for a solution," said Sudirman.

So, we will wait Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman promise...
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