Poor Coordination Among SKPD, Revitalitation Investments Auctions Fail

Senin, 23 November 2015 - 12:49 WIB
Poor Coordination Among...
Poor Coordination Among SKPD, Revitalitation Investments Auctions Fail
JAKARTA - 1,000 regular bus stop revitalization and the installation of parking machines at 378 points on-street parking this year canceled. Poor coordination between the Financial Management Board and the Regional Asset (BPKAD) with the Department of Transportation and Transport Jakarta judged to be the cause of the failure of the auction.

Head of Communications and Transportation (Dishubtrans) DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansyah said, now has submitted a request to that discourse BPKAD revitalization to stop and park on the engine application 378 on-street parking spot re-tendered.

However, that failure is not repeated, he said, it has also sent a letter to Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in order to coordinate the investment tender which BPKAD authority can run up.

Especially now that he has submitted an investment tender documents Electronic Road Pricing (ERP), which has been long-awaited.

"Stop it failed auction because of the administrative process that we think is not too fatal. We were told when the auction failed to do. Should it be revised before known to fail," said Andri Yansyah in Jakarta, Sunday (11/23).

Andri explained, according to the rules of Government Regulation (PP) No. 27 of 2014 on the Management of State or Region, procurement of large amounts can be submitted by a third party or a private company. Later, asset management and private parties can be in the form of rent, cooperation utilization, leasing, and infrastructure cooperation.

Technical auction investment, continued Andrew, Dishubtrans Jakarta just as the applicant is obliged to create and compose documents, terms of reference (TOR) and so on as raw material BPKAD for auction.

This means that if there are deficiencies or errors, he continued, Dishubtrans should be informed as soon as possible before the auction known to fail.

"Stop and parking machines already sent dokumenya since June and August. We hope that by divulging sent to the governor was able to make coordination between BPKAD and Dishubtrans goes well," he said.

Head of Asset utilization BPKAD, Rias Askaris acknowledge the failure of the auction revitalization 1,000 bus stops and parking investment tender submitted by Dishubtrans machine. Because, he said, had been completed although Dishubtrans Capital considers only submitted documents.

Supposedly, said Rias, Dishubtrans DKI continue to follow the development of the auction so that if found deficiencies administration could soon be repaired. As for example in investment auctions parking machines which require four times the revision.

"The documents are submitted and that the TOR discussed and examined. If there are less right to be corrected by the applicant," he said.

Rias explain to conduct an auction again if it has been declared unsuccessful, the applicant must re-apply and the auction starts from the first stage. Can not jump to the next stage or directly to the pre-qualification.

"Do not consider only complete when the new hand over the documents. We have to find the best. Parking engine alone is revised four times since the documents filed in August. If it's true it's gone," he said.

Member of Commission B DPRD DKI, Sereida Tambunan said, the city government bureaucracy is not conducive even when things like investment tender is constrained by poor communication between the parties concerned. He is pessimistic that the city government is able to implement congestion control program in the near future.

PDIP politician was hoped that problems Jakarta Governor to able to resolve this and speeding congestion control programs, such as what is often promised to the public.

"If the investment tender, bad, especially the use of the budget. It should not be ignored. Congestion has been remarkable in Jakarta," he said
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