Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu Fugitive In Spain

Rabu, 18 November 2015 - 10:58 WIB
Israeli PM, Benjamin...
Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu Fugitive In Spain
SPAIN - Bold move came from the land of Matador. Spanish Judge, Jose de la Mata issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu. If the number of Israel was set foot in the land of Matador, the police and the National Guard caught him mandatory.

This warrant issued after the murder of activists in Palestinian aid ship, Mavi Marmara was reopened. Netanyahu is thought to be responsible for the attack soldiers on board where help was five years ago.

In addition to Netanyahu, Israel's seven high ranking officials are also subject to the same policy. Some famous names to be arrested is a former Israel foreign minister Avigdor Leiberman, former Defense Minister Ehud Barak, former Interior Minister Eli Yishai.

"We consider it a provocation (from the Court of Spain). We will cooperate with the Spanish government to cancel the order," said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Emmanuel Nachson, as reported by the Independent..

Spayol court, after a change in the constitution, can hear cases outside its jurisdiction when it had been reported to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Last year, activists demand that the case be reopened has been submitted to the ICC. Lawsuit dozens of human rights lawyers on the Israeli government to the ICC in The Hague, Netherlands, was rejected last year.

Just to remind, the Israel attack on the Mavi Marmara, killing eight volunteers Turkey, a US volunteer, and wounding 60 other activists. British flagged vessel that is part of a combined ship sent activists 32 countries to help the people of Gaza. Inside the ship there are medicines, foodstuffs, and more groceries. However, on the way, forcing the Israeli military vessel Mavi Marmara turn around to the port city of Ashdod.

Because the activists refused turnaround, Israeli forces stormed aboard shoot activists. Most activists fight with a knife, wounding 10 soldiers. Mavi Marmara incident sparked international condemnation. In addition, the attack triggered a diplomatic dispute Israel and Turkey.
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